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>> SOITM's Map of North of Iraq - Ethnic Distribution of Non-ruling Communities (Minorities) <<

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Publications of SOITM

     The extent of Kurdification of Kerkuk region - 11 January 2006
Kerkuk is a region of 2.2% of the planet petroleum deposit,1 which amounts over 10 billion barrels of the ...

·      Mainly, the Turkmen are losing in the inevitable Iraqi elections - 21 December 2005
Despite the lack of the simplest requirements of voting processes in Iraq, the election remains almost the ...

·      The question of legality concerning the Referendum on the Constitution and the upcoming Iraqi General Election and the validity of the results - 25 September 2005
In his latest report1 SOITM presented one more aspect of manipulation in the preceding Iraqi general ...

·      Undemocratic Aspects of the Draft of the New Iraqi Constitution - 16 Augustus 2005
In a country like Iraq, which is constituted of different ethnic and religious groups and after a dictatorial ...

·      Another aspect of manipulation in the preceding Iraqi General Election - 3 August 2005
In the report of SOITM entitled “Disregard of the Turkmen may distort the reality in the upcoming census” ...

·      The Documents which were presented by SOITM to the 23rd Session, Working Group on Indigenous People (16-22 July, 2005), United Nations / Geneva - 10 July 2005

    The present situation of the Turkmen of Iraq
Turkmen were exposed to torture, imprisonment, displacement and deportation ...

    The Turkmen of Iraq
The Turkmen represent the third most important ethnic group in Iraq after the Arabs and Kurds ...

·      Establishment of the Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Organizations Assembly in Europe - 15 June 2005
Several Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Organizations and Iraqi Turkmen intellectuals attended ...

·      The Documents which were presented by SOITM to the 11th Session, Working Group on Minorities (30 May - 3 June, 2005), United Nations - Geneva - 27 May 2005

    The Iraqi Turkmen and their demands
According to the most reliable references, the Turkmen can trace their ethnic origin to Turkic tribes ...

    The Turkmen of Iraq: Underestimated, Marginalized and exposed to assimilation
The term Turkmen, which first appeared in the 9th century, is used to describe the people of ...

    Issues Concerning the Turkmen of Iraq
The Turkmen demand to be a part of the whole Iraq, not to be a part of any ...

·      Two major biased points in the US-supported Iraqi Election - 3 March 2005
It happened on two occasions, first in March 1991 and later in April 2003, when the Kurdish militias raided ...

·      SOITM Comment on the article entitled “The Kurdish Way” by Hicks, posted on November 6, 2004, in News Website This Is Rumor Control News and Analysis - 11 January 2005
This reality is well documented, see references below (1 - 25). The arrival of the Kurds ...

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Nijmegen - The Netherlands