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>> SOITM's Map of North of Iraq - Ethnic Distribution of Non-ruling Communities (Minorities) <<

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Publications of SOITM

·      “US-made” Kerkuk City Council decides once again in favor of the Kurds - 28 December 2004
In a previous report from SOITM entitled “Violation of the Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Continues” ...

·      Signs of Imminent Danger in Kerkuk City - 4 November 2004
Immediately after the occupation of Iraq by the US troops, the Kurds took control of Kerkuk and initiated their ...

·      Influx of Kurds into Turkmen Regions, Particularly Kerkuk City - 12 October 2004
The growth of nationalism in the absence of a democratic environment and lack of regional stability results ...

·      Attempts to change the demographic structure of Kirkuk city by the American supported Kurds - 17 September 2004
After the war and occupation of Iraq by the Anglo-American forces in April 2003, the Kurdish political ...

·      Western intellectuals fall collectively into error - 1 September 2004
It became a habit of Western intellectuals, writers and journalists towards the end of the Ottoman ...

·      Power Abuses by Kurdish Politicians in Iraq Continue to Marginalize the Turkmen and to Deny their Rights - 12 August 2004
High-ranking Kurdish officials appointed in the new Iraqi administration continue and intensify their efforts ...

·      Disregard of the Turkmen may Distort the Reality in the Upcoming Iraqi Census
- 30 July 2004

We often read and hear in the Western media that the Turkmen in Iraq are a small minority and only...

-     le dénigrement systématique des droits des Turkmènes, s’il continue faussera les résultats des prochains recensement et élections en Irak
Depuis un certain temps on entend et on lit souvent dans les médias occidentaux...

·      Unjust Approach to the Turkmen Case in Iraq - 22 May 2004
We often read and hear in the Western media that the Turkmen in Iraq are a small minority and only ...

-   التعامل الغير العادل مع القضية التركمانية - ۲۲ مايس ٢٠٠٤
     مما لاشك فيه أن العراقيين عموما يشكرون الأدارة الأمريكية في أزاحة الحكومة الدكتاتورية الصدّامية ...

·      Another Step to Marginalize the Turkmen - 5 September 2003
After the development of a ‘Safe Haven’ in the north of Iraq by the Coalition Forces, the relatively ...

·      Violation of the Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Continues - 11 August 2003
The Turkmen of Iraq have faced huge challenges since the establishment of the Iraqi ...

·      The Summary of Violation of the human Rights of the Iraqi Turkmen and Attempts to assimilate them during the Dictatorial Baath Period - 13 December 2003
Social engineering projects have been designed by the Iraqi regime to modify the ethnic ...

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Stichting Onderzoekscentrum Iraaks Turkmeense Mensenrechten

Nijmegen - The Netherlands