Letter to Mr. Ad Melkert, the UN special envoy for Iraq, about the report of UNAMI covering violations of human rights during the first six months of 2009
22 December 2009
The Human Rights Office of the UNAMI recently issued a report covering violations of human rights ...
Report submitted in accordance with paragraph 15 (c) of the annex to Human Rights council resolusion 5/1
10 February 2010
SOITM provides information under sections B, C, and D outlined in the Information and Guidelines...
Lecture on “Human Rights Situation in the North of Iraq in the Areas where the Kurdish Authority Exist” given to Dutch University students, who study democratization in Kurdish region, in the department of political Science, the University of Amsterdam
- 11 January 2010
- headings
- Contents
- Definitions
- Map of concerned region
- Iraqi communities in the region
SOITM Maps of the north of Iraq
- 11 January 2010
- Map of north of Iraq
- Boundaries of Provinces
- Ethnic Distribution
- Three Vertical Zones
- Boundaries of Kurdish Expansion
- Boundaries of Kurdish Region According to the Kurdish Regional Government
Iraqi general elections in the north: Perfunctory observation legalizes the fraudulent election and harms the non-Kurdish communities
14 December 2009
The interest-dependent and security-first policy of the involved powers in the Iraqi issues over the
The Kurdish draft constitution is a negative message for the stability of Iraq (Conflicting Items and Articles of the regional Kurdish draft constitution with the Iraqi Federal constitution)
30 September 2009
It is clear that Iraqi state from the time of its creation following after World War I has not protected
The principles of justice in attitudes of the occupation authorities
- 16 September 2009
Mr. Raymond Odierno, the current commanding general of the Multi-National Force in Iraq, was
SOITM submits report to the United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review of Iraq
- 15 September 2009
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was created by the UN General Assembly on 15 March 2006 to
Accuracy of the Associated Press Questioned Over Reporting of Police Deaths
- 12 September 2009
On 8 September 2009, the Associated Press has reported news about the targeting of a police team