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>> SOITM's Map of North of Iraq - Ethnic Distribution of Non-ruling Communities (Minorities) <<

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Publications of SOITM

·      Two Cases of Turkmen Prisoners
-    A Case of Turkmen Prisoner in Kurdish Prison - 12 October 2007
-    A Case of Turkmen Prisoner in US Prison - 13 September 2007

·      Kurdish authorities and Iraqi Indigenous populations: the suppression of Iraqi Yazidis - 27 October 2008
In two recent reports, SOITM have outlined Kurdish attempts to undermine the positions of two other...

·      Kurdish authorities and Iraqi Indigenous populations: the suppression of Iraqi Yazidis - 23 June 2008
-     Sheth Jerjis, Chairman of SOITM
-     Marino Busdachin, UNPO General Secretary
-     Ana Maria Gomes, MEP, Parliament’s Rapporteur on Iraq
-     Muzaffer Arslan, Advisor on Turkmen Affairs to the President of Iraq
-     Mohammed Mahdi Ameen, Member of the Iraqi Parliament
-     Yako Michael Jajjo, Foundation Assyria (English)
-     Yako Michael Jajjo, Foundation Assyria (Arabic)
-     Mohammed Kh. Nasef, Member of Kerkuk City Council and Article 140 Committee
-     Tahsin Mohammed Ali Wali, Member of Kerkuk City Council and Article 140 Committee (1st speech, English)
-     Tahsin Mohammed Ali Wali, Member of Kerkuk City Council and Article 140 Committee (1st speech, Arabic)
-     Tahsin Mohammed Ali Wali, Member of Kerkuk City Council and Article 140 Committee (2nd speech, Arabic)
-     Rakan S. Ali, Member of Kerkuk City Council (English)
-     Rakan S. Ali, Member of Kerkuk City Council (Arabic)
-     Ali M. Sadeq, Member of Kerkuk City Council (1st speech, English)
-     Ali M. Sadeq, Member of Kerkuk City Council (1st speech, Arabic)
-     Ali M. Sadeq, Member of Kerkuk City Council (2nd speech, Arabic)

·      The Turkmen of Erbil: captives in their city - 08 October 2008
William R. Hay, an English political officer, ruled the Erbil region from 1918 to 1920. He commented ...

·      The Report of the Kerkuk Conference in the European Parliament - 23 June 2008

·      The attempts of Kurdish authorities to subdue the Iraqi non-ruling communities (minorities) continue - 29 July 2008
An examiner of recent history of the north of Iraq will easily learn that in two historically short stages ...

·      The Kurds rule their region independently, disproportionally share in the administration of the Iraq and control the Iraqi legislative mechanism in two levels - 26 July 2008
It is a huge mission to introduce the democratic system into a society which has never dealt with ...

·      To the international community: The Iraqi people are in severe need of your help - 13 July 2008
The Shabaks (Shah Begs), of northern Iraq, are a minority group with their own religion and language...

·      The attitude of the military forces in Iraq should be further improved - 07 July 2008
One would expect military forces in Iraq to learn from the numerous massive disasters that have ...

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