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>> SOITM's Map of North of Iraq - Ethnic Distribution of Non-ruling Communities (Minorities) <<

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Publications of SOITM

·      Barzani’s way of Democracy: How to mislead the international community? - 18 December 2007
On 16 of December 2007, the Kurdish directors of the legislative offices in Kerkuk province ...

·      SOITM Presentation in the conference “Kerkuk Problem and the article 140: Defining alternatives The views of Kerkuk’s Turkmen and Arabs” - 1 June 2008
Today, we are going to discuss the Kerkuk issue, which is considered as one of the major ...

·      "Kerkuk Conference in the European Parliament: Kerkuk Problem and Article 140: Defining Alternatives, The views of Kerkuk’s Turkmen and Arabs" - 23 June 2008

    Post-conference Press Release

    Pre-conference Press Release

    Concept note



·      SOITM presentation in the Lecture under the title “The north of Iraq Possible Turkish Invasion: Is it threatening to the stability in Iraq?” Organized by Association for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (MOI) in Utrecht University at 12 December, 2007 - 15 December 2007
The north of Iraq can be divided into two regions, the eastern region which is under Kurdish ...

·      The Report of the Iraqi Turkmen Conference in the European Parliament - 26 – 27 March 2007
The conference Iraqi Turkmen: the Human Rights Situation and Crisis in Kerkuk ...

·      fate of a city
- 24 July 2007

It is beyond doubt that the ongoing conflict in Iraq is in large part one of competing economic interests ...

-       Kerkuk - Verleden, heden en toekomst
Er is geen twijfel mogelijk dat het huidige voortdurende conflict in Irak er één is van tegenstrijdige ...

·      One-sided Kerkuk Conference in the Brussels Parliament - 10 July 2007
A conference on the Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution related to the Kerkuk Crisis was hold in the ...

·      A Turkmen view presented by SOITM in Amsterdam conference organized by Life - Lines / KSVN under the title Kerkuk - Past, Present and Future
- 6 June 2007

I would like to thank the organizers of this panel for arranging this discussion for one of the ...

-       Kirkuk Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft
In der Region Kirkuk lagern 2,2% der Erdölvorkommen der Erde, insgesamt über 10 Milliarden ...

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