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Publications of SOITM

·      Tahsin Kahya resigns from commission of Article 140 (Kerkuk Commission) - 20 April 2007
Mr. Tahsin Kahya is one of the Turkmen members of the Kerkuk city council from the Islamic Union of the ...

·      Peace perception of the President Bush: a tragic outcome of the sectarian hate created by the occupation - 12 April 2007
Telafer, historically is well known to be an entirely Turkmen populated city. It is the only district which ...

·      U.S. supported Kurdish militias continue to terrorize Turkmen cities - 16 March 2007
The U.S. authorities are giving their full support to the Kurds who are seeking to control Iraq’s oil wealth ...

·      Attacks on Turkmen cities in Kerkuk and Mosul - 9 February 2007
Under the severely Kurdified civil administration, police, security and military systems, the defenceless ...

·      The letter of the Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation to the members of the European parliament on Mr. Barzani’s speech which he made during the debate in the European Parliament’s Foreign affairs Committee on 8th May 2007 at 3.00pm. - 11 May 2007
Mr. Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI, Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, ...

·      Summary of the real story of Telafer disaster: How the Sectarian Hatred was introduced in to the city and the role of Kurdish militants
- 13 April 2007

Before discussing the Telafer issue, it is essential to mention the important characteristics of the

-     Sammanfattning av den verkliga historien om Telafer katastrofen: Hur det sekteristiska Hatet infördes till staden och betydelsen av kurdiska miliser
Innan vi diskuterar Telafer frågan är det viktigt att nämna de viktiga egenskaperna för regionen och

-   موجز القصة الحقيقية لماسات تلعفر: كيف أُدخل الكراهية الطائفية الى المدينة ودور المليشيات الكردية - ٢٧ كانون الاول
     قبل الدخول في ازمة تلعفر لابد من التطرق الى بعض الحقائق التي تتمتع بها تلعفر وتركيبتها مما جعلتها تتمتع ...

·      Iraqi Turkmen Panel in the European Parliament - 26 – 27 March 2007

    Post-conference Press Release

    Pre-conference Press Release

    Concept note



·      Violation of the human rights of the Iraqi Turkmen since the Establishment of the Iraqi State
- 27 January 2007

Patrick Clawson, Deputy Director for research of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy ...

-     Sammanfattning Brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna begågna mot irakiska turkmenska samhället sedan inrättandet av den irakiska staten
Patrick Clawson, biträdande direktör för forskning i Washington Institutet för Mellanöstern politik ...

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Stichting Onderzoekscentrum Iraaks Turkmeense Mensenrechten

Nijmegen - The Netherlands