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>> SOITM's Map of North of Iraq - Ethnic Distribution of Non-ruling Communities (Minorities) <<

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Publications of SOITM

·      An Unfair Aspect of the Western Approach to the Kurdish Case in Iraq - 23 October 2006
On 4.9.2006 and 5.9.2006, the two top international media Agency France Press and Reuters published ...

·      Statements of SOITM delegation to the 24th Session of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations and 12th Session of the Working Group on Minorities, United Nations - Geneva - 30 July 2006

    Indigenous Peoples and Current Human Rights Situation in Iraq
It is not necessary to reiterate the catastrophe that ever-escalating conflict in Iraq ...

    Indigenous peoples and conflict prevention and resolution
The Iraqi community is well known for its multi-religious and multinational characteristics ...

    Violation of Human Rights of Turkmen in Erbil
Erbil is one of the important Turkmen cities, which has been heavily subjected to Kurdification ...

    The current situation of the Indigenous Turkmen of Iraq
Over the centuries, Turkmen played a constructive role in Iraq defending the country ...

    Utilization of indigenous peoples’ lands by non-indigenous authorities, groups or individuals for military purposes
The Ba’ath Council banned the Turkmen from acquiring real estate in Kerkuk, with its ...

    The Indigenous peoples and conflict prevention and resolution
Kerkuk City, which is located 250km north of Baghdad holds strategic as well as ...

    Violation of Human Rights of the Turkmen of Iraq
Due to different geopolitical reasons, the Turkmen have remained unaided, removed from ...

    Undermined Turkmen economy and its consequences
Economical and cultural repression of the Turkmen of Iraq for numerous decades has ...

·      Kerkuk Issue on the agenda of the first session of Human Rights Council, United Nations - 13 Mart 2006
The Iraqi Turkmen currently constitute one of the main ethnic groups in Iraq, in addition to the Arabs ...

·      Turkmen participant deprived by the Canadian Authorities of attending the International Human Rights Training Program in Canada - 15 June 2006
No doubt, that sustained marginalization and violation of Turkmen Human Rights, is one of the prominent ...

·      Ethnic Allocation of Kerkuk Population at the time of Sulayman the Magnificent - 16 June 2006
The vast oil deposit under the ground of Mosul province of Ottomans was the main reason, which made ...

·      A Reason of the Terror in the Occupied Iraq - 13 March 2006
It is well known to the international community when the Bush administration occupied Iraq in 2003 had ...

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