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Human rights publications

>    Human Rights Report of Iraq - The U.S. State Department - 2013 - 2 March 2010
   The country’s population included Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen, and Shabak as well as...
>    Still Targeted: Continued Persecution of Iraq's Minorities - 10 June 2010
   Although the overall security situation in Iraq has gradually improved, the conditions for minority communities ...
>    The Comprehensive Policy to Manage the Ethnic Languages in Iraq (CPMEL)
   Iraq is one of the multiethnic countries. The major ethnic minorities in Iraq, in addition to the Arab majorities...
>   Still Targeted: Continued Persecution of Iraq’s Minorities - 2010
   Although the overall security situation in Iraq has gradually improved, the conditions for minority...
>   Human Rights Report on Assyrian In Iraq - 2010
   The purpose of this report is to give the facts regarding the situation of Assyrians in northern Iraq, including the...
>   The Mandaean Associations Union - May 24, 2010
   On the 22nd,may,2010 a young mandaean man Mr.Baha Sori Zaggi was killed on his way home from work...
>   Mandaean Human Rights Annual Report - 2009
   Will October 17th 2007 - the date that the cross border operation authorization was...
>   Report of United Nations General assembly on Iraq - December 01, 2009
   The present report is a summary of 50 stakeholders’ submissions to the universal periodic review...
>   A, too late, published report of HRW; Iraq: Protect Besieged Minorities - November 10, 2009
   Iraq's central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government should protect...
>   British army accused of 'routine abuse' of Iraqi civilians - Summary - September 21, 2009
   The use of illegal interrogation techniques by the British army in Iraq was widespread and endemic, a public...
>    Kurdistan's Troubled Democracy
>    Security forces above the law in Iraqi Kurdistan
>    Mandaean Human Rights Annual Report - March 2008
>    The Other Iraq
>    The Indigenous Iraqi Assyrian Community Since the Fall of Saddam Hussein
         >  Read other publications.....
>   UNHCR's Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs of Iraqi Asylum-seekers
   The present situation in Central and Southern Iraq1 is characterized by pervasive extreme violence, serious ...
>   Iraqi Elections: Human Rights Concerns
   On January 30, 2005, Iraq is scheduled to hold elections for twenty government bodies, including a Transitional ...
>   Sicherheitslage der turkmenischen Minderheit im Irak
   um Einschatzung der Gefahrdungslage ethnischer Turkmenen im Irak gebeten.
Wir möchten Ihnen hierzu folgendes mitteilen:...
>    Torture by Kurdish Authorities
  “They tied my hands and hit me with cables, sticks, and threw punches two people. I do not know their names...
>    Crushing Iraq's human mosaic
   Caught in a triangle of religious, ethnic and criminal violence, communities which once made up as much as 14% …
>    War and Occupation in Iraq
   On March 20, 2003, the United States, the United Kingdom and a Coalition of allies invaded Iraq and overthrew…
>    In northern Iraq, another war looms
   While the world focuses on Baghdad's security, a series of bombings here may be the long-feared start of a second…
>    UN warns of looming crisis in Kirkuk
   The deteriorating human rights situation in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq could be a prelude to a looming…
>    Hundreds Disappear Into the Black Hole of the Kurdish Prison System in Iraq
   The inmates began their strike with an angry call. “Allahu akbar!” they shouted, 120 voices joining in . ..
>    Report on Guantanamo Detainees
  The media and public fascination with who is detained at Guantanamo and why has been fueled in large measure …
>    Beyond Abu Ghraib: detention and torture in Iraq
  In this report, Amnesty International focuses on human rights violations for which the US-led Multinational Force…
>    UN Report on Guantanamo
  Report of the Chairperson of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Ms. Leila Zerrougui; the Special …
>    Human Rights Watch World Report 2006
   New evidence demonstrated in 2005 that torture and mistreatment have been a deliberate part of the…
>    Abu Ghraib leaked report reveals full extent of abuse
   Nearly two years after the first pictures of naked and humiliated Iraqi detainees emerged from Abu Ghraib...
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